
The Siblinghood Of The World Bloggers

Apologies for taking so long to get around to answering the questions etc. but I’d like to thank Rawls E Fantasy for nominating me for this (here’s a link to the blog https://rawlse.wordpress.com/2015/08/21/the-siblinghood-of-the-world-bloggers/)

Here’s a little reminder of the rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog in your post.
  2. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided…
  3. Nominate ten other bloggers.
  4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nominations.

Anyhow, here goes:

  1. Write in the morning or late evening? I prefer to write in the day, when it’s quiet and there’s just me and the animals.
  2. Ice cream or cookies? That’s a hard one, but I’ll go for white chocolate and macadamia cookies.
  3. TV shows or movies? That’d have to be movies for the main part, although I do enjoy Castle and Firefly.
  4. Paperback or hardback? Most of my books are paperback, mainly because that’s what was available at the time, although I do have a growing collection of hardbacks, I do like the smaller paperbacks as they are less heavy and also don’t have the irritating dust jacket that gets in the way when reading!
  5. Cat or dog? I prefer dogs, of which we have two, but we also have four cats as well!
  6. Fly like a bird or swim like a mermaid? Hmmm, tough one. I think I’ll go with swim like a mermaid, given I’m afraid of heights, but I’d need to learn to swim first!
  7. Wildflowers or cultivar? I love wild gardens and I aim for a less formal approach, including with writing, but I’m also a cultivator, mainly the vegetable variety!
  8. Cold weather or hot weather? I’d rather stick on an extra jumper than feel like I’m melting, so it’d have to be cold weather.
  9. Visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style? The first, I like to see and do!
  10. Action movie or funny movie? It would have to be action movie as a first choice, but I do enjoy a comedy every now and then!

I hope those were good…Now for my questions…

  1. What’s your preferred writing method, pen/laptop/typewriter?
  2. Preferred genre to read/write?
  3. Audio book, ebook, paperback, or all three?
  4. What magical creature would you like to be, if you could?
  5. Tea or coffee?
  6. Self publish or traditional?
  7. The merits of taking a break once in a while?
  8. Dream holiday destination, real or imagined?
  9. Favourite author?
  10. Writer’s block? Fact or fiction?

And now for the nominees…(I’ll try to get up to ten)

  1. @gunterwriting
  2. @london_nathalie
  3. @theriseofaredor
  4. @flashflood14
  5. @fmzwaaneveld
  6. Kara Jorgenson
  7. Jason Griswold

Sadly, that’s all folks…

3 thoughts on “The Siblinghood Of The World Bloggers

  1. Thanks for participating! I enjoyed reading your answers to my difficult/crazy questions. 🙂 To swim or fly, I don’t think I could choose which. Hey maybe you could take a swim lesson before summer ends? It could be fun. 🙂
    Castle is great! I need to watch Firefly; I keep hearing how much people like it.

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